Consortium Capability
The Consortium was a collaboration between COTA Queensland, Skills Hubs and Skills Generation to attract, train and support the retention of personal care workers (PCWs) across Queensland.
The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care contracted to lead the ‘Guaranteeing Consumer Centred Care’ Home Care Workforce Support Program Consortium, led by Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland to attract, train and support the retention in employment of 2,272 new personal care workers (hereafter referred to as ‘PCWs’) across Queensland over 2 years (by 31 March 2024). This was later extended to 30 June 2024.
COTA Queensland’s focus as the Consortium lead was working alongside those in the sector to ensure that new PCWs have the right skills and knowledge to deliver high quality, person-centred care, and that they are supported to deliver that care.
COTA Queensland provided a person-centred perspective on the needs of older people and how these needs can be met through an effective relationship between the person and those who care for them. With a specific focus on the Home Care Sector in August 2021 COTA Queensland launched “Aged Care Navigator” a unique program that offered older people and their families one-on-one support understanding and accessing the aged care system. With specific focus on identifying support needs, assessment and planning Age Care Navigator is provided free, independent of any aged care provider and is confidential. COTA Queensland has a strong history of successful implementation of complex program management initiatives complemented by a Board that has a deep experience in delivering cultural and structural change in the Community Services sector.
Skills Hubs, a not-for-profit workforce development organisation, was responsible for candidate attraction, screening, and successful linkages to employment and/or training outcomes.
Added to this, Skills Hubs staff worked on a wider sector and community approach, raising the profile of careers in aged care and collaborating with employers, employment services and community organisations. A central team trained in identifying key characteristics employers look for in care workers undertook initial screening of thousands of candidates. A team of Regional Workforce Coordinators spread across the state worked closely with candidates who came through the screening process with wrap around support and potential employers to make successful matches. They also developed community networks to foster the wider web of workforce development. Skills Hubs also undertook continuous feedback to employers and candidates throughout the Program and a range of small pilot projects as well as widespread Forums and Workshops to build the capacity of the sector. The Skills Hubs team also followed up through post-placement support with candidates.
Skills Generation (RTO 41008), one of Queensland’s leading trainers in Certificate III Individual Support, was responsible for connecting candidates to funded training pathways through a preferred RTO or providing the training directly.
Working in collaboration with Employers, Candidates, other RTOs and communities, Skills Generation helped educate the sector on training pathways, possibilities and funding opportunities to leverage and connect the training world directly to the front-line workforce.
Skills Generation directly enrolled more than 1,300 people in sector-related training from targeted skill sets, through to Certificate III and IV level qualifications and Lead and Mentor Training. Skills Generation staff and training faculty worked closely with aged care providers to look holistically at their training needs and with their industry-led approach connected individual organisational need with fit-for-purpose training plans that built towards skills development and overall workforce development and retention.
Collaborating with widespread forums and information sharing opportunities, Skills Generation provided training expertise to alleviate workforce pressures and open up previously unknown or unattainable opportunities for employers such as traineeship pathways and a “grow your own” approach within community.
A dedicated Rural and Remote focus was also adopted and face-to-face training provided to some rural, regional and remote locations to front line staff previously without the option of a dedicated training focus.
What we achieved through the Program?
We worked in collaboration with Skills Hubs and Skills Generation to:
Attract and recruit new personal care workers to the sector
Support new personal care workers to complete high-quality training
Upskill the existing workforce