Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award 2020
- There is a current “Work Value” case before the Fair Work Commission which is seeking to insert a new “Classification Structure” into the SCHaDS Award in home care workers in the Aged Care Industry
- The goal of the application was to increase the rates of pay for such workers up to 30%
- Currently the definition of “Home Care Support” in the Award is “The provision of personal care, domestic assistance or home maintenance to an aged person or a person with a disability in a private residence”
- The classification structure contained at Schedule E of the Award has not differentiated between home care workers in Disability Support and Aged Care
- There is no evidence produced at the hearings of this matter from the Disability Support Sector so therefore there was no decision which affected such workers.
- Therefore, the application only resulted in a new classification structure within the Schedule E which applies only to the Aged Care Sector, leaving the Disability Care Sector as is.
- A decision was released on the 3 March 2023 providing an “interim” increase for Home Care workers in the Aged Care sector of 15%