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The importance of a cultural assessment to better understand multicultural consumers

Understanding the individuals receiving care is essential to meet their needs and ensure they are treated with respect and dignity. Knowing their country of birth and the language they speak is a great start, but it isn’t enough information for making informed decisions about their care. In this episode, Marcela Fischer from ECCQ’s Multicultural Advisory […]

Embracing solutions to culturally appropriate care

Australia is becoming more multicultural and we have more seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds accessing aged care services. As such, it is important for those delivering their care to understand their cultural needs and meet those needs by providing culturally appropriate care. In this episode Thana Roysmith from ECCQ’s Multicultural Advisory Service is […]

Respectful curiosity – approaching mental health in diverse communities

Not all cultures recognise mental health and wellbeing in the same way western culture does. This episode considers how to approach mental health in culturally and linguistically diverse communities by exploring what it means to be curious, and ways to be respectfully curious. Join Rhee Duthie from ECCQ’s Multicultural Advisory Service and Millie Magada from […]

The value of engaging professional interpreters

Being able to understand and be understood is a fundamental human right and with over 20% of Australian households speaking a language other than English, professional interpreters are essential in the provision of this right for culturally diverse communities. Join Jenny Hazlewood from ECCQ’s Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care Program and Diana Padilla from the […]

Unveiling Truths: Aged Care Workers’ Guide to HIV Myths and Stigma

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding HIV – many of which are quite harmful to people living with HIV. Get ready to dive deep into debunking these HIV myths – from transmission to sexuality, and to the power of Undetectable = Untransmissible. Explore the real impact of stigma on those living with […]