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Home Care Consumer

I’m lonely but at least I’ve got the girls coming and which is wonderful. They talk with me. I probably drive them crazy, I suppose but they just talk with me or clean for me. I couldn’t do it. It’s just got too much for me now.

Loraine’s Story

I live in the flooded area of Rosslea. 

Without the support of the girls, I’d be dead now. I couldn’t. I just can’t manage, I can go from the bedroom to the kitchen, I can’t breathe. I’ve got emphysema. You name it, I’ve got it. Bone problems really bad, my dad had it too, it’s hereditary, spinal problems. 

I go to the Good Shepherd once a week on a Tuesday and if they go out I go with them and we go out on trips and things like that. 

I cared for all my brothers and sisters because we had a bad mum and dad. Dad was a drunk and mum was… What do you call it? What do you call it? Gallivanter. Is that what they called it in those days? And she was out dancing and things like that. And I had to rear. The brothers and sisters. Mom had eight children. 

I had seven children I love kids. And then I had foster kids. When my kids grew up and went off, I think I was left with two at the time and then I started fostering. But they’re 39 and 40 now, the last two. 

For everyone caring for me? Different, hey? I’m so used to doing it myself. And I get those… Not Meals on Wheels. What’s the other one? Easy Meals or some… Light and Easy. Marvelous. I don’t have to cook now. But I was so used to cooking with so big meals. Right. We lived in the country when I was a kid and we didn’t even have power. No power, no nothing. I do know what it’s like to live and care for people. Yeah. 

Oh, couldn’t imagine a better bunch. I’ve got a lovely lady, Kirsten, she’s my boss. She’s like my grandchild. My grandchild’s the same age. But she’s beautiful. You couldn’t have got a better person. And which one? I got to remember who’s who.  

About Loraine's home care workers

They all have that I know, of the ones I know. Yeah, nice it’s personality. And then we got Stuart. Wow. He’s like a young teenager but he’s not. And he’ll help you out. And I said, “I know you can’t do fans and things like that,” so I got put on those stretch pot things, whatever. He said, “I can do it for you. Don’t worry if you have to need it done.” 

He even went looking for a cabinet for me for my kitchen. 

Well, we didn’t have it years ago. I had to do it myself. Yeah. 

Now I’m happy that I can get people, and it was only through the aged care that I got some help. And I started feeling, I’m falling and I thought maybe I need help. 

A lot of difference. You’re not up to that yet. Wait till you get to that age. You’ll know what I mean. 

I’d be sitting there watching the box otherwise because you can’t do anything else. I walk from the bedroom to the bathroom or the bathroom to the lounge, I’m out of breath. It’s good to have the girls. And not on my catching damn cab. Oh my God. 

Well, you’ve really got to have the heart for it. Well, I’d say that. And what I see in these girls have got it.